A review by theresidentbookworm
Black Panther #2 by Ta-Nehisi Coates


The Best of: Black Panther #2

1. "Thandiwe, when they come for you, do not scream. Do not plead. Do not cry, for your cries are but song to them." This scene was so emotional and profound to me, and it's just great writing.

2. The Midnight Angels saving the day and being complete badasses about it. Also, Aneka talking to the little girl: "You deserved so much more, little flower. You deserved a Wakanda that cherished you." Ayo promising, "But this is the Wakanda we have. And while the Midnight Angels breathe, I swear to you... they shall all pay."

3. The little romantic scene betweem Aneka and Ayo and Aneka's plan. I love these too so much! I ship it.

4. Black Panther's speech about the power of a king and where it comes from: "The day after I became king, S'yan offered a single piece of wisdom. 'Power lies not in what a king does, but in what his subjects believe he might do.' This was profound. For it meant that the majesty of kings lay in their mystique... not in their might."

5. Also, his realization about his own subject's power: "I wish he'd told me not just of the power of kings, but of the might of the people. I wish he'd warned me that they, too, have secrets. They, too, have mysteries. They, too, possess a power of their own."

6. The scene between Tetu and his father about the best way to make Wakanda a better country. I could understand both sides: Tetu, a young man who's seen too much violence in his country, who is desperate for change and willing to do anything to achieve it, a young man who is rightfully angry, and his father, a man who's old and wise, who has seen violence and knows its downfalls.

7. Black Panther's revelation about his own true self: "I was wrong. My enemy is not a beguiler, but a revealer. She brings out of us all the awful feelings that we have hidden away. And makes them manifest. So I know now that this is who I am. Might. Shame. Rage. And now they know, too."