A review by peterseanesq
Mayenne by E.C. Tubb


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Mayenne: The Dumarest Saga Book 9

This story starts in a different setting than the last eight books. Normally, we find Dumarest on some cr*p hole of a planet planning how to get off so he can continue his search for his lost birth planet of Earth. Dumarest plans usually intersect with the decadent wealthy and the conniving Cyclan.

In this story, we find Dumarest on board a ship heading to another planet. On this ship, there is the usual assortment of types that Dumarest is used to dealing with: the decadent rich, the unscrupulous merchant, a card shark, and there is Mayenne, a Ghenka singer, but no Cyclan, as near as we can tell. Naturally, all the men agree that Dumarest is the epitome of masculine competence and all the women lust for his attention.

Then, a beast gets loose on board ship, the engines are disabled, and the ship is adrift, until it attracts the attention of a sentient planet, named Tormyle, with a unique transportation system.

Dumarest forms a relationship with Mayenne, who is the typically cooing and purring female common to the Dumarestiverse. Unfortunately, the sentient planet is bored and wants to learn about human emotions and this thing called love. Tormyle starts to experiment with Dumarest and his companions and eventually comes to desire Dumarest in an all-too-human way.

It's a weird kind of a story for Dumarest, but the ending is surprising in a typically Dumarest way. We don't get any closer to solving any of Dumarest's mysteries, although we are spared the usual Cyclan mind-orgasm scene. We do get one scene where Dumarest's speed - "You're fast, etc." - are mentioned. Finally, be it noted that Dumarest is tricked into revealing the secret of the affinity twin, but that works out in the end.