A review by creolelitbelle
The Republic by Plato


I read [b:Fireborne|53911554|Fireborne (The Aurelian Cycle, #1)|Rosaria Munda|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1602097635l/53911554._SX50_.jpg|58321478] and the subsequent books in the Aurelian Cycle by [a:Rosaria Munda|17320159|Rosaria Munda|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1544063020p2/17320159.jpg]. She promoted her series as Plato's Republic with dragons, and I needed to understand why. While I was already curious about Plato's book, that claim strengthened my curiosity. I was not disappointed, because I saw many connections to Munda's trilogy in Republic.

I listened to the classic, which was a great idea considering the entire work is written as a conversation between people about various ideas in society and government. The language was much easier to comprehend than I expected. Plato lived over 2,000 years ago, and yet he still captured much of what comprises life today. Granted, I was not in the headspace to think deeply about many of the concepts found here, but I was struck hard by those that resonated more close to home for me. I do think I could benefit from reading this again later in life when I have more time to devote to letting it all sink in.