A review by julaliciousbookparadise
Rage/Killian by Laura Wright, Alexandra Ivy


Rating: 3.75/5 and 4/5

I didn't know this series existed before reading these two novellas and perhaps it would have been a bad idea to read these before the rest, but since these stories at least turned more around the couples than the actually plotline of the series, I don't feel like I was spoiled or missed much.

Lucie's help is needed and Rage was ordered to find her and get her to help them out and he is not happy to have been appointed that mission especially since Lucie isn't easy to find and when he does find her, she isn't that cooperative. But she is calling to his cat and they have to deal with that without losing focus of their mission. Rage and Lucie were quite entertaining characters. The banter between the two of them, the obvious chemistry, the misunderstandings, etc, everything just made this story entertaining.

Killian and Rosalie were another kind of story. Rosalie was hurt when she lost her mate because of humans and she is very much on a destructive path whenever they are concerned. When Killian comes to their lair for help, it takes a lot of her to not surrender to kill him. She is attracted to him, but she can't stand that he represents everything that she hates. Together, they are both learning about one another. It's not an easy road for either them as they each deal with their issues. I really enjoyed this one and wouldn't minded to have a few more chapters about it.