A review by yevolem
Immortality Inc. by Robert Sheckley


A man dies in 1958 and awakens to find himself alive in 2110. It's all lurching and stumbling downhill from there on though, both in terms of how his life progresses and of my enjoyment. The supernatural takes a leading role though it's presented as science. While there was some interesting social commentary, it wasn't nearly enough to give it a higher rating.

One of the central conceits is that the body and mind are separable, which is why there are zombies and ghosts. The other one is that there is a scientifically proven afterlife, but only one in a million naturally go there. Science has developed a method to all but assure one's afterlife, but it comes at a cost that only the wealthiest can afford. Thus Matthew 19:24 is inverted, "And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God". For those wealthy who prefer earthly delights and dominion they can buy a new body to transfer into on either the open or black market. This society seems to have accepted this without resistance as suicide booths are commonplace.

The protagonist immediately meets his love interest who initially has no interest in him, but after he
Spoiler punches her in the face and knocks her out,
she realizes what a real man he is and dedicates her life to him.

Ending spoiler:
Spoiler After doing everything possible to stay alive, he commits suicide because the plot requires it. His love interest does the same to be together in the afterlife with him.