A review by llama_lord
Roses by Leila Meacham


3.5 stars

I picked this book up because the cover told me that it was like Gone With The Wind, and I suppose it is sort of like a soap opera-y GWTW. Really this book reminded me much more of The Thorn Birds than it did GWTW.

Some parts were better than others, but overall it was a pretty good book. I didn't quite understand Mary's attachment to Somerset - which is the force that practically drives the whole story. Somerset brings her nothing but unhappiness and yet she hung onto it like a dog with a bone. It just didn't make much sense to me.

The characters were okay. Mary and Percy were kind of dull as far as romantic leads go. My favorite character was Lucy, because despite her nastiness I was sympathetic to her situation.

I really liked the first two parts of the book - Mary's and Percy's stories - but the story seriously lagged for the last third of the book which was told from the perspective of Mary's great-niece, Rachel. Up until that point I was planning on going out and buying the Roses prequel, Somerset - but the flatness of Rachel's story left kind of a bad taste in my mouth and made me change my mind.