A review by mcipher
Little Stalker by Jennifer Belle


A very odd, very angsty book. I can see why 2009
me wanted to read it, but 2019 me didn’t like it as much as she would have. There was a lot of heavy Jewishness, a lot of suspension of disbelief, a lot of skeeve, and a lot of annoying New York-y characters. It was often hard to feel bad for Rebekah, even when really messed-up things happened to her, because she spent is much time getting in her own way, causing drama, and not standing up for herself. It was also hard to feel like a lot of the bad or weird things that happened to her felt real enough for sympathy. But, oddly, there was also a lot to recommend the book. It was charming - Rebekah really is charming, too - and there was some really good, funny, poignant writing and some sweetness to the side stories. I wish I had read it 10 years ago when I really would have loved it.