A review by gunsandbullets
High Moor 3: Blood Moon by Graeme Reynolds


This book is very hard for me to place a rating on, is it better then high moor one? God no! So it horrible? Nope, it's just a bit messy with me feeling like characters appear and disappeared, or some long time characters just being side lined for other characters that won't survive for long

I was thinking of giving this book a 4 or a 3 but that ending... Dam that ending, for all the annoyance and small bits of disappointment I felt while reading, the ending unsettled me and upset me a little but that's its point and it put a good bow on the trilogy

I don't think I will forget this series any time soon, ya how it went after the first disappointed me but still I had fun reading and characters were still there throughout. I don't think anything quiet like this will be ever released again in my life time

Thank you Graeme Reynolds for writing such a wonderful set of books and I hope to read more of your work in the mean time

P. S can't wait to get the special editions