A review by duchessbrown
Her Errant Earl by Scarlett Scott


She’s a fool and he’s an asshole.

I’m insulted that this book has 3.8 stars these characters have the depth of a kiddie pool

The description makes Victoria sound so much stronger than she actually is in the book. She just completely gives in to every single one of his whims. All the while constantly bitching about how she just can’t stop, he’s just too seductive. But in reality, he barely has to try. Basically he does is put his face close to hers and she was ready to jump his bones. Girl, he married you for your money, abandoned you for 6 months AND cheated on you during that time. Even when she’s angry at him, she puts up the most shallow resistance ever. She’s so naive.

Also, this man has like no redeeming qualities. He has the emotional intelligence of a 15-year-old boy. He refuses to acknowledge that he is the cause of all the ills in his marriage. His only redeeming quality is that he can give her an orgasm, and that’s pretty much the bare minimum for romance MMCs