A review by saschadarlington
Tangled Up in Tinsel by Candis Terry


Tangled Up in Tinsel is Candis Terry's latest addition to her Sunshine Creek Vineyard series; I previously reviewed Perfect for You last March (you can see that review here).

While it took me a couple of chapters to warm up to Gabi and Parker, I was glad I stuck with it as I eventually enjoyed their story.

I've always been a fan of food-oriented novels, restaurants and the creation of gourmet meals fascinate me, so I loved that aspect of Tangled Up in Tinsel. I loved how Gabi and Parker came to their love of food from two different angles, hers from family, his from teenage misadventures, and how it brought them together.

The repartee between Gabi and Parker is fast, sexy, and fun, and that may be an apt description of the novel as a whole. I was impressed that Parker didn't feel put-off by Gabi's frequent pushiness and insertion in his life.

The family atmosphere makes a very warm story on its own and I found myself thinking at times how I would happily read a story just about the Kincade family celebrating a holiday, because their antics would never be boring!

And, for the foodies, at the end of the novel there are some recipes of some of the dishes mentioned in the book. Ricotta cookies!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.