A review by ulrikemaria
Medea by Euripides


third read:
doing an essay on dido and medea and thwarted love leading to death (due last monday oops) and i just read the rex warner translation and huge slay how did i not think this was five stars... UGH medea <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

second read:
for my ancient civs class in uni! a different translation this time (woodhull) and i had a great time reading the last scene aloud to myself.

first review from when i was 18 cringe:
Euripides 'I Hate Women' Euripides slaps out another one and boy the hatred of women really shines through

from the ancient greek classic of 'female character written by a male author tells us how much it sucks being a women and how much she wants to die' to such lines as '...in marriage that's the saving thing, / when a wife obediently accepts her husband's will'(14-15), 'we were born women - useless for honest purposes, / but in all kinds of evil skilled practitioners' (407-8) and 'if women didn't exist, / human life would be rid of all its miseries' (474-5), this play is just full of misogyny, all the time, every day, every line, im so tired

nevertheless, this is a pretty important play, especially in terms of use as evidence of attitudes and opinions in ancient greece (like the fact that they hated women). could have used all these lines in an essay i just did on women in ancient greece, but the cool thing about ancient greece is that there are so many instances of men saying that they hate women that i had enough quotes as it was. thanks, aristotle and plutarch!

and it also was pretty enjoyable to read? i guess? it was short too, so thats a bonus. nothing any of the characters did made any sense, but since this is a play and like, ancient greece, i guess i'll give that a pass.