A review by cassies_books_reviews
The Burglar by Thomas Perry


This was my first Thomas Perry book but I’m now sure it will not be my last! Elle is a twenty year old woman who has been taught at a young age she needs to be able to take care of herself. She is a cat burglar and she scouts potential homes by running in the neighborhoods of the wealthy and looks for homes where it’s obvious their not home or have pets. One evening she breaks into a home and while looking for jewelry and money she stumbles into the master suite and finds three dead bodies in bed with a camera running. Before escaping the home she snatches the camera to see if she was spotted on it. While going through the camera she discovers that yes the camera shows the murder happening but not the murderer. She erases herself from the film and makes a few copies for herself she returns the camera for the police to use. Soon after this she begins to hear of three people looking for her at some of her usual hangouts. She’s told they seem like cops. She wants nothing to do with them and starts hiding out, but soon people that are close to her end up dead , she now has to find out who the murders are and what led up to the crime she had stumbled on that started all of this , or she will never stop looking over her shoulder. This book was so different with having the main character a criminal herself. I really enjoyed this book and felt like I was sneaking into people’s homes with Elle. I give this four stars and it was a quick read for me! I want to say thank you to netgalley and grove Atlantic publishing as well!