A review by geo_ix
Lies by Michael Grant


3.5 stars.

I’m in a complete state of not knowing what the hell is going on. Is there stuff on the outside? Is it the bad thing lying to us? I DONT KNOW. But at the same time, I love it. I genuinely need to know what’s going on but at the same time I’m scared to find out. This one was kinda dark honestly, Mary really went there and I really didn’t want it to go there.

I also hate Astrid? Before I was like oh she’s not the greatest but I didn’t mind her, and in this her thoughts just came across way, way too superior and she legit did nothing for the people but appointed herself leader? She was awful to Sam and her brother, and even by the end she kind of acknowledged it but I agree with Mary about her
Spoilerdemanding they follow the new laws and instantly stepping down.
Spoiler It was a cop out. Plain and simple. And yes, she admits she does nothing but by that point it was kinda too late. And instead of really stepping up she just kinda demands Sam comes back to help? I dunno. I just expect better from her and she seemed awful here. If we didn’t see her thoughts (those ones about Sam needing to get over Drake because she did, like her having to call her brother a r*tard and Sam being whipped nearly to death is in ANY way the same legit BLEW MY MIND, and I swear if he forgives her and they go back to playing happy families I will hate them.

Loved the new kids, and I’m glad Diana has some sort of morals.

Honestly this review looks like I didn’t like it, but even these bits I hated about certain people, I really think they made me enjoy the story. I like that all the characters are so different and honestly, I like that no one is perfect. Will probably get to the next book next year, but we shall see.