A review by kimmilight
Blood Flows Deep in the Empire by N. Isabelle Blanco


Overall, I really did like this book and it would have gotten a full 4 stars if it hadn't been for a few issues I had with it.

First and foremost, the main character's relationship. One of the reviews here describe their relationship as 'lust at first sight' and it is spot on. I mean, I felt like all there really was between those two was lust, plain and simple. I mean, they only had one, only one actual conversation during the whole entirety of the book, and it also ended up in sex. Not that there is anything particularly wrong with that, all the power to them and their libidos. But, for me to actually believe they loved each other, I would've liked to see their relationship grow, like actually getting to know each other and talking, Because all of the dirty talk that happened during the sex scenes does not, and I repeat does not, count. Also, I'm usually okay with like mating stuff and instant attraction, because usually the characters get to know each other and realize they actually like each other as human (or otherwise) beings and they enjoy each other's company aside from having spectacular out of this world sex.
SpoilerLet's be honest here, what does it say about Dyletri that the first woman he ever thought he was in love with, he only met her three times, which were for having intercourse and also described as beign quick and to the point. And the second one, he believes he's in love because, one he wants to fuck her brains out every time he sees her, and two his body is only reacting that strongly because of the fact they're meant to be? At least Crius took Dimithinia out to the movies and spent actual quality time with her. His feelings, I get. Dyletri? Not so much.

Numero dos, I really didn't get all the cursing. I mean every single person or being in this book used that type of language. And, usually I'm fined with it, as long as I feel it actually adds to what the characters are saying, like if they're really frustrated or angry or something. But, these people though, good Lord they were like cursing machines. There was no real need for it.

However, besides Dyletri, I really enjoyed all of the other characters. And I would really love to continue reading about them. But, it was a whole lot of names to get used to, though. And new terminology too.

The world builing was great. The mythology behind this group of gods and goddesses is very interesting and I'm excited to see it deveoped further. So I0m really looking forward for the next book.