A review by befsk
Awakened by Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast


The POV swings are really starting to annoy me, why are we now getting chapters written from the bad guy's perspective? I know we wouldn't know what the hell's going on with the plot without these chapters, but it's kinda annoying that it's only started happening since the last book... Plus the fact that Zoey's chapters are the only ones written in first person is confusing as hell, when it goes to Stevie Rae and starts saying 'and then Stevie Rae did this', I'm like, that's nice but who's narrating?

And, seriously, the cliffhanger of Heath coming back? Not cool. There was me thinking, my god, maybe Zoe can finally just have one boyfriend for the rest of the books, then Heath gets reincarnated and you just know that in the next book or so, she'll turn him from 'THE PATH OF DARKNESS' or whatever and they'll have tons of sex. And she's gonna dump Stark's ass just because Stark DIED FOR HER, FOR FUCK'S SAKE and now he can't stop a certain winged immortal from invading his body. (Why am I getting wound up about something that hasn't happened yet?) Although why Kalona is still obsessed with making Zoey's life hell is a complete puzzle to me, were I him I'd forget about the silly bitch and live the rest of my immortal life shagging women in my own body, women who weren't immature idiots who are still in high school. Why does he want to fuck her in Stark's body anyway? I just don't understand. And whilst mentioning every guy Zoey's fancied in the books so far (Heath, Stark, Kalona), I swear to fucking god, if she gets back with Erik, or starts liking him again now he's resurfaced, I will murder someone. Anyone. Might as well resurrect fucking Loren and have done.

Jack's death devastated me despite the author dropping hints like bricks to it happening, and the tacky as hell death scene of him singing Defying Gravity as he falls to his death. Such a pointless death... On the topic of pointless deaths, it's rather odd that Zoey's mum dies now, about 5 books after her last appearance (or even mention...)

Also, this book didn't have enough Aphrodite. I missed her. Also, I like Stark and everything, but that 'Scottish' accent he puts on is fucking annoying.

Anyway, you may wonder why I'm giving this 2 stars. As I said before, Jack's death hit me hard, although I felt Stevie Rae and Zoey maybe should've cared a little more seeing as they've been hanging around with him and Damien for, is it a year now? But Damien's reaction was just heartbreaking.

Another good point of the book was finally Stevie Rae and Rephaim getting together or whatever it was they did, although I find the 'he turns into a raven during the day' bit very weird. They're living underground... birds don't like being underground... he's going to try fly off every day, then he'll wake up human in some random place like a tree and be like 'what?' Do wish the rebel red fledgings would've turned up, they're more interesting with ...what's his name leading them. Dallas! That's it. His electricity power kinda kicks ass, and his dirty comment when Rephaim was spying on him was so ridiculously out-of-character for Dallas it made me laugh whilst simultaneously making me worry about the authors changing one of their characters so abruptly so long after his first appearance in the series.

Anyway, sick to death of Neferet, wish she'd die, the bestiality thing she has going with that bull is freaky as shit. Confused as to what Kalona's role is now. Going to be face-palming all through Zoey trying to turn Heath 'good' again. Going to be punching the book during Zoey dumping Stark. And what will Stevie Rae and Rephaim do to stop themselves from being boring now that they're allowed to be together? If 'Stevie Rae gets a bit on the side' is the answer, like how Zoey gets another boyfriend whenever her plot line is becoming boring, I'll kill someone. I can tell now the next book will be great...