A review by sillyduckie
Icebreaker by Hannah Grace

Did not finish book. Stopped at 41%.
I tried.

The main character has an eating disorder that is fueled by her skating partner constantly telling her she’s too heavy for lifts and needs to eat less. And the two guys she’s hooking up with are constantly feeding or trying to feed her. It was exhausting. The sex scenes (“spice”) were laughable. They just didn’t make sense to me and yet there are so many. They feel so medical and clinical? Also completely unrealistic. I was very puzzled by her having mind blowing orgasms and then being able to walk immediately after. Also the fact that after the first time the main characters have sex they get up and shower. He goes to his housemate’s room to get “girl stuff” which includes shampoo and conditioner??? And he insists on washing her hair but he doesn’t know what conditioner is?

There is so much needless drama. If this was set in high school and everyone was about sixteen then the drama and emotional stakes would make sense. But for twenty something year olds?? Nah.

I usually listen to audiobooks on 1x. With this I kept upping the speed to make it go faster. I got to 2x (at which this book still felt slow and natural??) and then finally gave up.

This is the first booktok rec I’ve given a chance and never again tbh. 

Also holy exposition and repetition back man! We learn so much about every single background character for reasons I can’t fathom. And every time the main characters are in the same scene and the POV switches we get to read the scene through both. Honestly if one  POV was taken out, the book would’ve been much shorter and the quality would’ve stayed the same. 

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