A review by lynseyisreading
Beauty Dates the Beast by Jessica Sims


Midnight Liaisons

I've been on a total audiobook binge lately, and thankfully, this was another really good one. I really liked the narrator and, other than a couple of quibbles, I liked the story, too.

I'd had my eye on it for a while, ever since I'd seen a favourite author of mine, Ilona Andrews, give it a 5 star rating. Well, I didn't quite like it that much, but it was good.

Okay, here are the things I didn't like, just to get them out of the way: The supernatural dating service idea. It's just so cheesy. It didn't take up too much of the plot, to be fair, but the idea still struck me as a bit silly. Second thing: The high-handed way the hero "claimed" the heroine without discussion. Basically, Were-cougars (and all the other Were clans for that matter) can claim their mates by marking/biting their neck, which then all other Supes can see and know to stay away. This concept is nothing out of the ordinary for PNR books, so that wasn't the problem. The problem was how quickly he did it, and without asking. I suppose it helped to know it doesn't last forever in this world, just a few months, but still, to do it to someone who hasn't even said they agree to be your mate, is a big N-O spells no. And the final bugbear: The names of the H and h! Boregard and Bathsheba? Really?

So that's that. Now onto what I did like: The chemistry between the two love interests! It was off the charts and very engrossing. I also liked the sensuality of the love scenes; they found that perfect balance between being too tame and too explicit. The mystery plot and the BIG Bad; both were interesting and unusual. And other than what I've mentioned above, I did really like Bo and Bathsheba. They were both sweet and sincere. Bathsheba was a touch insecure, so it was great that Bo was sensitive to that, and although he was an Alpha with occasionally bossy tendencies, he was generally a sweetheart and I was definitely rooting for them as a couple. I also liked the world and all the different Were clans and other supernatural species which I'm sure we'll see more of in future books.

I have to tell you, in case my rating and review haven't quite convinced you to try this yet, that book two's hero was so much more up my street! I loved him as I love all strong, silent types. You meet him in this book first, so you can judge for yourself, but I hope you give him, and this book, a chance to win you over. It's definitely worth a try (especially the audio!).

3.5 Stars ★★★1/2