A review by adancewithbooks
Bloodthirsty, by Sylvester Barzey


Bloodthirsty is not a book I would usually pick up but when the author asked if I wanted to review this book I still said yes. Because what better time to read out of your comfort zone and in the horror genre then at the start of the Fall, with Halloween around the corner?

Let me start by saying that I think the book is well written. The author clearly knows how to write and is able to write compelling action and fighting scenes. They are realistic as well. It seems to be written in third person omniscient. We really do get an overlook on all of the characters. This sometimes created us shifting from one character to the next in a few paragraphs within the same scene. But these shifts were reasonable well incorporated and not jarring at all. There is gore in this book so it isn’t for the weak hearted, but it is all fitting. As in, it isn’t added just for the sake of adding in gore.

In this horror book people have been turning into zombies and people have to fight for their lives. But when people’s survival instinct comes forward, sometimes the worst traits of us do too. It is not just zombies out there that you have to watch out for. I think that aspect of it was compelling but when a portion of that happened I felt that it happened a tad too fast in the story for me. I was still settling into this world and our characters and here we had a crazy ringmaster guy and his brothers. When it comes to the world building we get some idea of how things went from the past from Catherine and Sue, but I kind of miss the big perspective of how things are all over the world. Just a line here and there would have been enough to give the reader the bigger picture.

It was great to see there being female leads in this book. Catherine especially was ready to kick some ass. Sue is someone who will need to grow into her own. She is more soft hearted than Catherine is and that creates a bit of balance in this duo. Catherine is also POC and we do need more of that in the horror genre from what I understand from the author’s backword. Having said that, I had a hard time connecting with the characters. I just couldn’t really seem to care for them. They aren’t flat characters but I still couldn’t warm up to them either. Maybe that is the omniscient point of view. I always feel more detached from characters with this writing style.

Other than that though I think this book is a solid one. I would certainly recommend this one for fans of The Walking dead and fans of zombies in general. And if you want to be creeped out it certainly is great to read during Halloween.