A review by ssejig
Abracadaver, by Laura Resnick


I'm so bummed that this book appears to be the last in the series (nothing written for the past two years.) Still holding out hope that there might be more at some point. This is just such a fun grab bag of crazy.
This book picks up right where the last left off. Esther is reeling from the fact that she seems to be "off" once again with Detective Lopez (since she broke into his car and stole the fortune cookie that might kill her). Also that she just escaped death. Again. Too bad she's not going to have time to slow down. Not only did her hooker character get picked up as a semi-regular on a cop show, she has discovered that Lopez's partner, Aidan (who doesn't like her, at all), seems to be haunted by a demon. Yep. She's going to have to go demon hunting.
Regular Resnick readers won't be disappointed.