A review by a_novel_ty
The Becoming by Jeanne C. Stein


The becoming was surprisingly very good. I honestly don’t know why my expectations for this book were so low (even though I try NOT to have expectations at all) it might be because I’ve never come across this author or her works. or because it’s a vampire book and….vampire books do not have a very good reputation with me right now.

What I love most about this book is the fact that, it isn’t the cliche vampire book about a girl and a guy. guy is a vampire who is trying to suppress his true self because he wants to be with the girl. I feel like so many vampire books try and paint this picture of a reformed vampire. which is idiotic considering the very nature of the original vampire was to be a monster. not some love struck puppy dog.


This book starts off with a bang. Anna Strong is a bounty hunter and she is on what she and her partner assume is a regular job, but then something goes wrong and she is turned into a vampire.

The book revolves around Anna trying to come to terms with her new vamp identity with the help of a vamp doctor (no not Carlisle) Avery. Avery is an “old vampire” very powerful and very infatuated with Anna. he helps her adjust vampirism and aids her when other traumatic things happen to her. like being arrested by vampire hating state patrol men, losing her house in a suspicious fire and the kidnapping of her best friend and bounty hunting partner David.

Avery again, is a very old vampire and despite his job as a healer of mortals, he has very little regard for the human race and tries to get Anna to adopt this disposition. which to me was kind of silly because she was just turned into a vampire and you expect her to just forget about everything that made her who she was not four days ago?

At some point in the book I start to distrust Avery. his actions are just….off. some things don’t add up. certain things are said and done, some of which don’t really make sense. and as the reader, you know way before Anna does that Avery is not to be trusted and should be given a wide berth.

There was one really mediocre and weird thing about the vampire lore that kind of annoyed me throughout the novel. vampires sort of have this vampire telepathic radio. kind of like the wolves do in twilight. only it’s constant. the majority of the book has Anna and Avery conversing in this silent way. which is weird. imagine two people in kitchen eating eggs and drinking blood just staring at each other for hours. it’s creepy. and how the hell are you ever supposed to have any privacy that way? there is a way to block your thoughts off but it takes energy and concentration. something I think shouldn’t be needed.

All in all this was a really good book and I look forward to reading the next one to see what Anna’s next journey and adventure will be.