A review by exorcismofemilyreed
Dead is Dead, But Not Always by Eddie Generous


"For hundreds of miles in every direction, night ate day and was only getting started."

Dead is Dead, but Not Always is a collection of 7 novelettes from Eddie Generous. These are a little bit longer than the average short story, but not long enough to be individual books.

I struggled to connect with this collection. I liked the ideas for some of the stories, but I didn't love the execution. Many of them dragged and had a lot of mundane details. I got thrown off by a lot of the language choices - the sex scenes have odd phrases like "bulbous head" and "hot dog hard", which make them not very sexy at all. A character clenching to hold in the "sperm chowder" inside of her pretty much killed the book for me. Firing a rifle is described as ejaculation from a shotgun - it was hard to take it seriously. The silly phrasing would make much more sense in a horror comedy or bizarro story, but these stories don't fall into those subgenres.

Some of the stories have a lot of characters, and it was tough to keep track of who was who in stories that weren't very long. I think it could have been simplified a bit. The better stories in the collection were The Howl and The Weight of Solitude, The Pressure of Conscience. I had a difficult time with the rest of them.