A review by rihoward
Battles of the Broken by Anne Malcom


5 out of this world stars

I truly didn't think anything could make me love this author more. I was wrong. This book. ...sweet holy titfire. I have loved this entire series. Yet, none of the books came close to what this book did to my emotions. I laughed, I swooned, and I got teary-eyed.

This author weaves words with such a clarity and ease that it blows my mind and has me gobsmacked. I easily could have highlighted the entire book as they way she describes things and the way she manipulates words is done effortlessly. Except, that's just it, I am sure it's not effortless yet, the fact that she can make me feel like it is truly a gift.

Gage. Sweet holy Mary, Joseph, Gabriel, and baby Jesus. If this man lives in Hell with the Devil then sign me up with a one-way ticket because I will sell my soul for a man as beautifully flawed as he was. When he talked dirty I was a puddle but when he opened up and said things from the heart I was dead. He made me want to speak in tongues and I am not even Catholic anymore. His story is tragic, dark, and gritty. Yet, with the help of his angel, he was able to heal.

Lauren. Sweet lawd. There are no words how much I loved this broken yet a fierce firecracker of a woman. When she went to battle she went to battle. If she was a book she would have been the reason to not judge it by its cover because although she might have been little her fierce loyalty and love would never allow her to falter.

Together, these two were simply beyond any scope of what I imagine love to be because I have never known love like theirs. Add in an out of this world grandmother (that I want as my own) and reappearances of older characters (Amy is still a hoot) and this book took it to a whole new love.

This entire series could be likened to being taken to church. This author's words were the sermon, the body of Christ, and the wine. She had me waving my hands in the air and praying for redemption. I cannot stress enough that if you are looking for a must-read series of 2018, then read this one. Bravo to this author. BRAVO.