A review by bella_and_the_bookstack
The Awakening by L.J. Smith


2.0 out of 5

Wut is this? Everything I thought I knew about the Vampire Diaries has been flipped on its head. It's like I'm hanging upside down from a tree like a bat. (HA! See what I did there? Too much? Okay...moving on.)

Ok, so obviously I picked up this series because of the show. Like everyone else that's seen it, I'm low-key obsessed. Going into this, I knew that the series was wildly different from the show, but let's just say that this is not the Vampire Diaries we know and love. Far, far away from it. I only faintly recognize the characters, as they were spun completely different in the show.

*thank you VD directors*

Nope, THIS Vampire Diaries is Twilight but with an even more obsessive teen girl and an even more self-loathing vampire. I'm talking next level crazy-pants obsession.

Elena is self-absorbed and oblivious to those around her. She's the Queen Bee of the school, only contested by her ex-bestie Caroline. From the moment she lays eyes on rich Italian Stefan, she can only think of one thing: I want him! He's mine. *cringe*

I'd barely gotten through half of this book before she declared her undeniably love for the mystery boy she'd only just met. This version of Elena reminds me more of the Katherine in the show. And vice versa. The only difference is, I don't even like this Elena. (I loved Katherine in the show.) Elena just comes off as highly annoying and unlikeable.

And Stefan, oh Stefan, you are too whiny and stalkerish for me to like your character in this book either. Think Edward Cullen on hyperdrive. For goodness sake, he even keeps a ribbon that Elena dropped tucked away in his precious item stash. He struggles way too much internally between his desires for Elena and his repulsion in hurting her.

Highlight of the book is, of course, Damon Salvatore. Isn't it always Damon? (The answer is yes if you didn't know.) I'm reading the next one because I can get behind this form of a mysterious Italian bad boy.

If you are interested in reading this series, be forewarned. You are in for a very bumpy ride.