A review by frakalot
Last Full Measure by Michael A. Martin


Oh My Goodness. That Epilogue comes out of nowhere. Hardly related and probably unnecessary but it's still a treasure. Suggest that ENT fans read just for the experience of the epilogue.

This one fits right in with the TV series. It has the same kind of energy, the same grit and all of the emotions that were flaring at the beginning of the search for the Xindi.

The Starfleet Vs MACO drama is alive in this story and as you'd expect the teams find themselves in situations that allow them to learn to respect each other. This lesson is something that is always relevant.... that even when we favour different methods we often want the same outcome.

The question of how far one should go for a righteous purpose is warily tested by an alien named Trahve and this causes both Archer and Reed to look inward. In particular I enjoyed Reed's flashback.

Some of the crew feature only briefly in this story and the core plot is not a Trip and T'Pol centric one. We get an opportunity to hang with Reed, Mayweather and some of the MACOs quite a bit more instead.