A review by octavia_cade
The Children of Llyr by Evangeline Walton


It's an odd experience reading a book when you're frustrated by so many of the characters. I read this, largely enjoying it, but all the time, at the back of my mind, I was thinking "Just kill the bad seed already before he screws it up for all of you!" Do they? No, but everyone else seems to be fair game for violent death. Does it all turn to custard? Yes, of course! A little bit of good judgement could have saved everyone a lot of trouble, is all I'm saying. I mean honestly - did none of them see it coming? Yeah, I know it's a story based on a mythology and so the author's somewhat limited in where she can go, but even so.

I can see the book's very competently written, but it didn't grab me enough to rush out and find the rest of the series, though I'm sure I'll get to them eventually.