A review by randikaye
Standoff by Patricia Bradley


If the goal of the first book in the series it to make sure that the reader can't help but want to come back for more... well, consider this one a success! Right from page one I found myself drawn in, and those final moments still kept me wanting more. Needless to say, the second book cannot get here soon enough!

So, what made it such an enjoyable read? First and foremost, I loved that it kept me on the edge of my seat. It was fast paced with a good deal of action thrown in. There were several times when the timeline was mentioned that I found myself amazed at just how much action had occurred within just a few short days. Unlike many stories, we were actually able to get glimpses into the bad guy's point of view... without ever having been told exactly who that was. We were giving plenty of clues... aimed in many different directions, so it was difficult to figure out exactly who it could be. As much as I enjoy the challenge of figuring everything out on my own, I really love books like this that keep me guessing. While I may have suspected who would eventually be revealed (and even figured out some of the other surprise reveals), there was enough suspicion thrown in various directions that I just never could be sure...

For me, the only thing that can make a good suspense even better is a bit of romance too. The relationship between Brooke and Luke was really enjoyable, albeit a little frustrating at points too. I enjoyed both of these characters, and their chemistry was undeniable. While certainly very much a part of the story, I feel like it did definitely take a backseat to the action so while romance lovers like myself will greatly appreciate it, I would think that even those who don't particular care for romance might find it doesn't take away from their enjoyment.

Overall, this was a great way to start a series. I cannot wait to see what the next book will bring...

**I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley for consideration. All thoughts are 100% my own.