A review by tamaralgage1
The Cellist by Daniel Silva


Where to begin with this review? Let's start with the negative and then finish on the positive. As I write this review, it's November 2021. For almost 4 years, our country has been severely split by politics. Family and friends no longer speak due to political views. It very much reminds me of the things I read prior to the launch of the American Civil War in 1862. This divide has been further compounded by a Global Pandemic and how it should be treated .. Masks, vaccines, social distancing … the debates are as heated as politics. So why do I bring this up now in a book review? This book's foundation dives into these issues. Perhaps 100 yrs from now someone might be entertained with a spy thriller circling in this water of controversy. For me, now, I am not amused or entertain. This is not a confirmation or rejection of the politics defined in the book. Only that I have had enough and did not want to be smacked in the face with more of what I see every day. Perhaps it's like a comedian telling a joke, "too soon" after an event. It's just too soon for me.

Fundamentally, I love this series and the main character. The international spy thriller draws in the reader and keeps you on the edge of your seat. If it were not for the "too soon" effect, I might have given this a 4 or 5*. Looking forward to reading more in this series and by this author.