A review by felinity
Dragonsblood by Todd McCaffrey


3.5 stars, but I rounded up because the two plotlines made it worth the slight awkwardness of mentally jumping back and forth 500 years with new characters.

This is one of the better Pern books that [a:Todd McCaffrey|1948907|Todd J. McCaffrey|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1358099695p2/1948907.jpg] authored, and it fills in some of those gaps that I always wondered about: What happened to the first dragonriders? How did so much get lost? And why were fire-lizards all but unknown even in Moreta's time?

Many elements will seem familiar, but they don't feel plagiarized at all - more like fairly common events became rarer over time.

After I got past the first quarter or so I felt fully invested in both timeframes, and it wasn't awkward any more.