A review by ssrosepetal
The Secret Arrangement by Vanessa Waltz


This book was quite interesting. The blurb really intrigued me and I was looking forward to reading it. This book though, it's not what you would expect. There's intrigue, heart breaking love, and people fighting against them. There are also lots and lots of secrets. I enjoyed this book greatly and read it in one day. However I did have a few issues. One of them really bothered me (and I wouldn't be surprised if it was supposed to bother me). I was NOT a fan of Alex. I understand the animosity that Lily felt for August but it really bothered me that she was more than willing to trust some man who she had just met in a foreign country (seriously!) but she couldn't trust the man she supposedly loved for not telling her the whole truth. She could have heart August out and then been smarter to NOT just go off with someone she had never talked to or knew anything about. Other than that I felt for both August and Lily. They really were in love but people (ahem Alex and the general) kept saying things to Lily to mess with her head. August had a lot of anger inside of him and I can understand why but I wish he had stepped up and fought for her love and attention more instead of waiting. All in all I really enjoyed this story and was glad I took a chance on it. *I voluntarily read an advanced copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.*