A review by zooloo1983
In Darkness, Shadows Breathe by Catherine Cavendish


I do love a book by Cat because you do know that you will be in for a treat. I will say that this did not scare me like The Haunting of Henderson Close, however, this book completely fascinated me. You have 2 parts, 2 women and 2 separate unsettling hauntings. I loved how these women were experiencing the same things but at different times, both getting the same message You’re Next.

I found Carol’s story if any, the scariest one, it was more of a haunting one, some scenes did give me a shiver and I was internally shouting for Carol to run. I think I would have the first time I saw a girl standing outside my door. Nessa’s story was more atmospheric and more of possession but not, she knew her mind, she knew she was in the wrong time. I can not say much more about the plot because I do not want to ruin it for you. But my god, it is a story that would send chills.

It was fascinating with the throwbacks of time, seeing the old workhouse and the old asylum and just as things get interesting we are brought back to the present day. The only problem is we do not know when the present day is! It does create an interesting concept that time is not linear and that is definitely explored quite explicitly. It is not always clear to what might be occurring but I do think that the repetition of time is not linear helped explain this away. I do know one thing, I never want to say in a hospital again, and preferably not that hospital neither!! Best to stay away!

I did read this in one sitting, it was short but packed a punch. I was hooked to find out what was going to happen to Carol and Nessa and this mysterious Lydia. The fact that Cat has used her own experiences for Nessa’s stories adds another layer as the story was hard-hitting but at the same time, so brave.

I will be back with another book by Cat for sure, she knows how to reel me in and how to create a spooky setting to try and give you the terrors at nighttime. Plus who doesn’t love a good ole ghost story in a hospital?