A review by bookwyrm55
Clickers by Mark Williams, J. F. Gonzalez


Let me start by saying, this is far from a new book. The late J. F. Gonzalez was loved by many (myself included) - and CLICKERS is a modern classic. This team-up with co-author Mark Williams is nothing, if not memorable. Who can resist giant scorpion crabs and Lovecraftian beasties? It has it all, a protagonist who is a horror writer, love interests (well, every eligible woman he meets of course) - violence, intrigue, folklore, mayhem...

It's as pulpy as it gets and there are some cringe-worthy stereotypes. It would make a great movie franchise for SyFy if you guys are listening... or Netflix.

Clickers is exactly what you think it is... fast-paced, gore-heavy monster fun.

I listened to the audiobook, narrated by Chet Williamson, who did a great job of bringing the good and sadly decimated folk of Phillipsport, Maine to life.