A review by lifesouvenirs
Abide: A Pathway to Transformative Healing and Intimacy With Jesus by Dave Pivonka, Heather Khym

hopeful inspiring reflective medium-paced


The Promise (Descr from Publisher): 

Break through the barriers that prevent you from trusting and experiencing the deep love of Jesus… trade self-protective tendencies for recognition of own need for healing so can be the person you were created to be. 

The Expectation (mine after reading the promise, etc):
I chose this book because I am focusing on a closer walk with God in 2022 & felt like it would be a great companion for my journey. 


We were made for more. We were not meant to live a mediocre life; rather to live a life of abundance in Jesus, abiding in him at every moment… The world desperately needs people who have been restored by the power of Jesus… it must begin with us.

What I connected with:

I connected with every page of this book. Lots of highlighting done via my Kindle!  Khym is personal & relatable while also taking a strategic approach to God’s healing for your life.  It was easy to read; but I had to stop after each chapter just to soak it in and reflect. All of her charts, diagrams and the reflection pieces at the end of each chapter certainly add to the worthiness of this read.

What I struggled with:

I didn’t find anything that I really struggled with on this one.  I was continually thirsty for what was on the next page!

What I learned:

That I desperately need to surrender to my overwhelming thirst for God in the stillness & quietness of prayer & I can be assured that God not only will show up, He’s already there waiting on me… expecting me. .. knowing that I am coming. All I have to do is ask for Him for his blessing. Jesus’ name is enough. 

How I was transformed: 

I can’t put my finger on it exactly, but my daily quiet time in prayer and God’s Word is more focused. I show up with a more open & expectant heart. I get to be with God- who is “all in” when it comes to loving me.

I will recommend this to friends and family. I  definitely want a hard copy of this book!

I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. My opinions are m y own.