A review by shai3d
Fury of Surrender by Coreene Callahan


Let me start off by saying how impressed I was with how well this book stood on its own. It is actually the sixth in the series but I didn't feel lost or left out in the slightest. I really appreciate when authors do such a great job of allowing the book to stand on its own merit. Really encourages me to go pick up the previous books.

I really enjoyed the characters in this book. Forge is a dreamboat but he does have some attitude issues. He really needed a therapist to help him find his way. The fact that Hope is also his mate just makes everything better. And the secondary characters are well rounded which is another reason that I have to go read their stories.

The author also took some time with the setting of this book. It is set in the Puget Sound which is where I live. You can bet that I would have picked up any discrepancies.

I do feel that any of my readers that enjoy paranormal romance would really enjoy FURY OF SURRENDER. You might even find that you will be searching down the earlier books like I will be. There is some violence in this book but it is usually in dragon form. There is also some sex but nothing that goes overboard.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.