A review by dan1066
Dark Genesis: The Birth of the Psi Corps by Greg Keyes


J. Michael Straczynski really fizzled when it came to sustaining a memorable story arc regarding the PSI Corps on the series Babylon 5. Getting the chance to have a fifth and final season, he creates an impending war between the PSI Corps and normal humans ("Mundanes") then never delivers. Fortunately, he allows J. Gregory Keyes to flesh out the full story, starting from its chaotic inception. The novels are dark and brooding. The first novel, Dark Genesis: The Birth of the Psi Corps ends with Bester's birth and deliverance to the corps (after the loss of his parents). While it is interesting, most of it is hack.

The trilogy really takes off with the second edition, [b:Deadly Relations: Bester Ascendant|715060|Deadly Relations Bester Ascendant (Babylon 5 Saga of Psi Corps, #2)|Greg Keyes|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1320516266l/715060._SY75_.jpg|701312], delineating Bester's PSI Corps training and rise to the top. It is full of delicious details and insights. Unfortunately, it ends with Bester planning a visit to Babylon 5 to round up Jason Ironheart.

The third installment[b:Final Reckoning: The Fate of Bester|77251|Final Reckoning The Fate of Bester (Babylon 5 Saga of Psi Corps, #3)|Greg Keyes|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388720484l/77251._SY75_.jpg|74669] picks up the tale of Bester well after the telepath war is finished. He leaves the fate of Lyta Alexander to speculation and instead concentrates on Garibaldi's quest for revenge. Much of this novel is poorly written and hack. In the end Keyes manages to deliver a decent resolution which ties his trilogy together. I will not provide spoilers, but this novel is certainly a must for anyone interested in whatever happened to Mr. Garibaldi and Mr. Bester.