A review by jsromancebookblog
Jock Romeo by Sara Ney


Sweet, sexy, with amazing characters, I was immediately sucked into the newest addition to Sara Ney’s Jock Hard Series, Jock Romeo. Once I started this book, I absolutely couldn’t put it down. I devoured it quickly and still wanted more.

The book starts with two college freshmen, Roman and Lilly, at a party on Jock Row that accidentally meet and seem to have a brief but instant connection. Years go by before they run into each other again, but Roman’s never forgotten Lilly. He’s the shy, reserved sort of nerdy type that’s a far cry from the almost gangly freshman he once was. She’s still the sweet and bubbly cheerleader that isn’t exactly fond of being a cheerleader and all the connotations that go along with the sport. They meet again by sheer luck, since Roman is now roommates with Lilly’s best friend and her boyfriend. Roman instantly recognizes Lilly, but it takes Lilly finding a bracelet she had given him on his dresser as she was glancing around for her to realize they had met before. From there, they have an immediate friendship that innocently turns into a fake relationship and then something more altogether.

I absolutely loved these two characters! Roman was so sweet but not without a backbone. He’s sort of the shy but smart guy throughout who’s turned into a hunkier version of himself by the time he and Lilly meet again. And Lilly? I can’t say enough good things about her character. She’s struggling with her current place in life and how she’s treated by her mother and her recent ex (and all the other exes that came before him), but she’s multilayered and still genuinely kind and friendly. What’s not to like? Her transformation from good girl that sort of does what’s expected of her to strong woman was so refreshing to see in a college-age character. I found myself rooting for her and loving how she approached life.

I feel like the theme for this book is finding yourself and, at the same time, finding that person in your life that makes you a better you. I really liked how both Roman and Lilly grew despite how life has been up until the point where they really become friends. They just work so well together as characters, and you get the sense that together they’re even stronger than they ever would’ve been without each other. The way they are from the very start felt sincere, and them together made me want to keep reading to find out how the book ends. Also, their story didn’t feel rushed, which I appreciated. I enjoyed getting so see how their relationship forms and goes from simply new friends to more with all of the cute moments and cringe-worthy ones, too.

This book is a fun and sweet read that will leave you in love with the main characters. Their endearing personalities and the way they play off each other make this a must read. Jock Romeo is a fantastic addition to the series!