A review by bookishwithwine
One More for Christmas by Sarah Morgan


My Mini Thoughts

Samantha and Ella grew up loving Christmas, but unfortunately their mom, Gayle always thought it was a wasteful holiday. As the girls grew older they saw how disappointed their mom was with their life choices. After years of not being able to live up to their moms expectations, Ella and Gayle had a big fight where Samatha sided with her sister.

It has now been 5 years since the big fight, and during those years she missed with her daughters, Gayle rose to the top in her career field and published two books. One day she is rushed to the hospital after an accident at work. When her co-workers ask who they can call Gayle realizes she is truly alone. That's when she makes a vow to change, and it just happens to be Christmas time.

This is a cute story about a mom trying to make up for time lost. I knew this was going to have a happy ending because it takes place around Christmas. I enjoyed reading along as Gayle's eyes were opened to what Christmas was really about, and how she was repairing her relationships with her daughters.

This one is out now! Thank you #htpbooks and Author Sarah Morgan for my #copy!

Book Rating: 4/5