A review by thewrittenadventure
Steel Hand, Cold Heart by Rachel Menard


What a wonderful story! I heard Vikings and I had to read this book.

Carina, the Unstoppable, is kidnapped from her place as a Daughter of Hel and tries to find her way back, while also trying to please her goddess.
Along the way, her captors-turn-friends, teach her about true friendship and loyalty.

I LOVE that Rachel Menard made this more than just a love story about Carina and Nik. It added so much more depth to the story.

Carina also never really changed her ways to fit in with others, and the author made sure not to take the easy way out and make her conform to “normal” society’s behaviors. Carina had a temper and it was consistent throughout.

The only thing I had to note was the rules of the stone and that the ending felt a bit rushed, which is why it’s not a 5 star review. I think that the ending could have been expanded upon with Carina’s escape, to make it more suspenseful.

This author is truly a hidden gem and I’m hoping that she continues to write, because I believe she has a talent.

I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.