A review by zoeybear7
Earth Borne by Rachael Slate


First off I want to thank Rachael for this amazing read. She out did herself on this book. I have been waiting for Thereus’s book since book one. I mean a centaurs looking the way he does would make a great story. He not only looked hot but also has the added body of a black horse. Then you have his person be Melita. She is the perfect patch for him. She has the personality that matches him great. Add the nice fact that she is a nymph and the storyline is set for adventure and possibilities.

I like that this book could be a standalone if you didn’t get to the first one. The character Thereus was in the first book and that was where we got hooked on him. Saying that you could still read book two and not miss out on much. Thereus is strong in both books and he has his place and mindset to draw you to him and keep you where he wants you.

The emotions that were had in this book is what made it a must read. The things that Melita has been through made you want to just take her and hug her for the book. She has the right man to help her with all of her emotions and more. Not to mention the emotions I had while reading this book. The bond that is made is one to tells stories about and Rachael did just that. I am glad she took this story the way she did. It makes you not want to put it down until you knew what was going to happen in the end.

I can’t wait to see what Rachael Slate has up her sleeve for us to read next.