A review by bookishvice
Shift by Jeri Smith-Ready


Logan is back! And he’s still thinking in terms of living, meaning not moving on. Aura just wishes she could have one move minute with him, where she can touch him and comfort him. So what happens when she is granted fifteen?

Aura is still holding on to Logan, and Zachary might have been patient before but by now he is just frustrated. After weeks apart Aura realizes she wants Zachary more than ever, but just when they’re ready to be a couple officially another weird power pops up. One that might risk their lives and everyone else’s, and so they stay away from each other even if it tears them apart. Aura and Zachary had a LOT to work through in this second novel. It was heart wrenching at times, but necessary in the long run.

Now that Logan is back in the spotlight the secret of her powers is at risk of being exposed. Aura finds out more about her mother and what really happened at the ruins in Britain. She also finds out who her real father was. The DMP however doesn’t like any of this and will do their best to capture not just Logan, but Aura and Zachary as well.

This series has really had a field day with my emotions, and I’m not even sure why. It’s really hard for me to get teary eyed while reading, yet I found myself carrying a Kleenex everywhere while reading this. I love how music is incorporated in this series. I found myself looking up the songs in YouTube more than once. And trust me, Logan’s final concert needs to be read while listening to the song he sings for Aura, Run by Snow Patrol. On a side observation, hurray for Mini Coopers of all colors.

It’s such a darn long time to wait for Shine, but trust me I’ll be the first one in line getting it when it comes out. After all, the final part is set in Britain. Did I mention I’m obsessed with Britain?