A review by vikingvisuals
Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman


I spent a lot of time with this book, partially given it's length and content, but also due to my experiences shortly after picking the book up and my desire to be able to give the book due attention.

Personally the book was enjoyable and at times funny enough to not want to put down. Concepts are often repeated, which some may perceive as a weakness but for me it was more a matter of reinforcement and drawing the strands of interconnectedness.

It is clear lot of research was done before and during this book. Frequent references to studies helped cement the foundation of knowledge this book sought to create.

Quite a few concepts were not new to me, I have always had a passion for logic and analytical philosophy so that biases have always been a fascinating aspect of human psychology to me, however the vast depth put into the explanations of these biases proved very entertaining and educational.

I certainly recommend the book to anyone wanting to improve their understanding of human bias and train their brain to look out for the countless ways framing can be used to influence our responses to various situations or surveys.