A review by annsbibliotherapy
Calamity Rayne: Gets A Life by Lydia Michaels


One crazy thing after another, that's Calamity Rayne in a nutshell, she's just turned thirty, has been waitressing at the same place since high school, and see's everyone she knows and cares about moving forward full steam ahead with their lives.

So what's she going to do about it? Use every connection she and all of her friends have to get an interview to be the new personal assistant to a billionaire healing from more than a heart attack and broken foot.

Hale Davenport is the son of one of the wealthiest men in the world and he knows it, he spends every day trying to live up to his father while making better choices for himself and everyone around him.

One choice, in particular, makes the last quarter of this book something I just couldn't put down. From parties to properties to soft and fuzzy lambs, there's more than one side to Hale and all of them are exactly what Rayne needs.

With Calamity Rayne on the job you never know what's going to happen in the kitchen, the boardroom, or her bedroom but one thing is for sure, I need more Rayne and Hale in my life, and will be counting down the seconds until I can get my hands on the second book in this series.

Witty and entertaining, we have what feels like a perfect storm of good and bad that makes you wonder about how often one phone call with a stranger can completely change your life.

Thank you to NetGalley and Valentine PR & Literary Management for providing a copy of this ebook, I have voluntarily read and reviewed it and all thoughts and opinions are my own.