A review by novelesque_life
The Lost Girls by Heather Young


2016; William Morrow/Harper Collins

I went into this novel thinking it was more of a suspense thriller than a fiction book with a mystery. Right off the bat, I will admit other than the young girls, Melanie and Angela, I didn't really connect with the characters. While what happened to Emily was plausible, it seemed a bit too flippant. Almost like, oh right, Emily died and we have to give some sort of ending. There were certain plotlines that Young was trying to hint at without saying but it seemed too much in your face. I'd rather have just known right out about the secrets. The dancing around the secret got a bit tedious and then I just didn't care when it was revealed as it felt like you already knew. Even the description above is more of a summary than a synopsis (it is why I went with the publisher's synopsis as it seems to give away 2/3 of the novel).

It took me a bit to get into the novel as the story takes awhile to heat up. It is one of the reason why there is no real suspense. There was a mystery but even that wasn't mentioned as much as I thought it would. BUT I am glad I stuck with it as I dis enjoy Young's writing and her intentions from this novel. While her characters seem either very harsh and out for themselves or quiet pushovers - I did not feel any connection - good or bad towards them. I am interested in seeing what Young writes next...I will try not to have expectations of a certain genre.

***I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from the publisher through Edelweiss. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.***

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