A review by domigaia
The Witches of Vardø by Anya Bergman

dark slow-paced
  • Strong character development? No
DNF 90%

I think I greatly misunderstood or was mislead in suggestions of this book. This is a historical fiction or historical retelling of tragedy. Pure brutal tragedy. The feminist uprising I was expecting does not seem like it is going to happen.

 Imo “these witches of vardo refuse to be victims, they will have justice. They will show their power. They will not burn.” Is a little misleading ? They do burn, and they don’t really get justice? 

I feel like I am constantly waiting for the ‘justice’ bit and showing their power

The writing of the Sami people, and the atmospheric setting the scene was great. 

horrible scene of SA :( , and then her mother is burnt, and I read ahead that her sister jumps off a bridge. And from reading ahead they are still pretty much in the same position? 

And Anna is STILL talking about her useless king who betrayed her. 

Started with wonderful writing a premise but was not my type of book. Not rating because I didn’t finish. 

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