A review by gardenofevils
Cruel Money by K.A. Linde


Wow what shallow writing, characters and story. If you like reading books that shove class stereotypes down your throat, paint the rich as always calculating and looking to make others feel beneath them, while also playing into the "not like other girls" toxic mentality... then this book is for you!

The heroine seems to start off as a woman who doesn't take shit and has a good head on her shoulders but then she just turns into an insecure girl who only sees black and white in a world of grey. She became more immature as the book went on as did most of the characters. There was your classic pretty girl who only exists to try and ruin the heroine and take her man, a heroine who literally called everything in the beginning of the book and then failed to communicate while also turning a blind eye to all of the warning signs and red flags from all other characters, and a male how wasn't well developed and all he wants to do is fuck.

This book was trite.