A review by heykellyjensen
Shame Nation: The Global Epidemic of Online Hate by Melissa Schorr, Sue Scheff

This book doesn't know what it wants to be, and it falls short on everything it tries to be. It's not an exploration of online shame -- it's far too shallow for that -- and it's not a book about combating online shame -- there are books which do this far better and without being Internet 101. A better book to read for the second is [b:The Smart Girl's Guide to Privacy|25644910|The Smart Girl's Guide to Privacy|Violet Blue|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1433187260s/25644910.jpg|45463357]. For the first, I think being on the internet for any amount of time is more insightful than the glossing over a ton of stories without much context, analysis, or insight.

You can safely bypass this one. It wants to be Peggy Orenstein but isn't.