A review by nadiamasood
The Book of Moods: How I Turned My Worst Emotions Into My Best Life by Lauren Martin


"Most of the discomfort in our life stems from the inability to be present, to appreciate the moment for what it is while we're in it."

I had no idea I would enjoy appreciate this book so much. Several of Lauren's honest, real life anecdotes are relatable (except, perhaps, her meltdown in Bloomingdales, but then we all deal with situations differently). How the smallest, most simplest things could ruin the day, affecting her and the people around her.

"...I mean those feelings we have that we can’t explain. The suffocating feeling at the end of the day when you don’t know what you want or need but you need something to stop whatever is going on inside...I mean the horrible feeling of looking in the mirror and feeling ugly even though yesterday you thought you looked great. I mean the feeling that something is wrong when everything is right and good and as it should be. These are moods. These feelings that come up and take hold and we don’t know why or what to do about them."

Lauren honestly talks about the extremely common patterns of self-doubt, excessive worrying. mood shifts, and outbursts by sharing personal anecdotes as examples. Some may question this book, considering her privileged life, but like I said, we all react to and handle situations differently.

This is not a self-help book, nor is the author an expert in the field of "moods", but rather a memoir based on personal experiences, stories, and a collection of quotes.

Regardless, this book helped me being more aware of my moods now, and observe how they can change quickly.