A review by alexperc_92
Arcana Rising by Kresley Cole


Review can be found on *Milky Way of Books*


*clears throat*

This will be a hard review to write, the third in a row after "Unknown" and "Nevernight", and in this one I actually can't say anything of the plot because it will spoil everything!

If you have read the novella "Day Zero", which was published in the summer, then you'll get the idea of how some characters actually feel and act in this book. Following the events of "Dead of the Winter" Evie will have to gather allies in order to fight the Emperor. This is the only tibit I'll give you of the plot.

What I really liked from this book was the introduction of the new Arcana as also the mention of the Minor Arcana. I didn't know that the other cards will also play a part in this destroyed world, not to mention that the GODS who actually created this game, did it because they were bored (apparently).
The whole book felt actually a deja vu to me, like I was watching 2012 unravel before me as Evie fights her way and at some point comes into some hurtful desicions.

Two things are sure in this book: your heart will be torn into million pieces and there is also a cliffhanger! So while I recommend this book, read at your own choice. ;)