A review by chrstnareads
Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty


I loved the narrator's voice. She made me laugh out loud a few times. It's a really cute story, and I don't really want to get into it all right here, but let's just say that Marcus is easier to take if you pretend he doesn't have dreadlocks. I mean, really.

Also really weird? It takes place in the so-far-as-I-can-tell fictional town of Pineville, NJ, which REALLY throws me of because I grew up in Pineville, NC... and now live in NJ. It's just really weird to read things like "Pineville Elementary" (the name of my elementary school), and just the name of the town in general. But kind of cool.

Top 5 Reason Why This Book Is Worth The Read
5. Jessica is depressed for most of the book, but her view remains really kind of plucky.
4. It has elements of Mean Girls, only lacks the annoying Lohan.
3. There are several laugh-out-loud moments thanks to Jessica's wit.
2. McCafferty really nails down the crazy in us all.
1. Marcus Flutie. (It helped that I pictured him looking like Tate from American Horror Story. Because, really. Reddish dreadlocks aimed to make me swoon? I think not.)