A review by kasperin
The Boy Who Came In From the Cold by B.G. Thomas


This book is a little hard to rate for me. how do you rate a book you know isn't the best, but that you binge read because you just couldn't let go?

On one side, I have a lot of issues with the writing style, in some scenes the actions and words of the characters didn't make sense, and the insta-love is not my thing (really, in less than a day both guys LOVED each other). So, usually I would give this book 2 stars. BUT there was something really addictive about it that kept me reading nonstop, I finished it in two days and it would have been 1 if I hadn't had work to do, and if my Kindle's battery hadn't died at 3 am. Also, I just discovered there's a sequel with Todd's best friend and a short prequel, and I'll probably read both. Soooo, do I give it 2 stars? 3 or 4? I guess I'll go with a middle ground of 3.

PD: I just remembered another thing! The way of speaking of the characters was so weird at times! they would use "I" instead of "me", or things like "you was". I've never been in United States and english isn't my first language, so it made me really confused! I'm not sure if it's a usual way of speaking in the characters' town, or if the author did that on purpose or not, please some one explain it to me xD