A review by dankeohane
Blackout by Tim Curran


This was an exceptional, exceptional horror novel. Well, I guess it's actually a novella, but this short novel is very scary and fast-paced. It's an old-style invasion story, from the perspective of one small, suburban neighborhood on a night that has become preternaturally dark. Strange cables drop from the sky and begin snatching people away. Bigger and nastier terrors build from there, and I found myself gripping the book to see what would happen next. There were a few scenes in particular that were quite frightening. Curran doesn't shy away from taking victims, young or old, of this monstrous, and mysterious force stealing away the population. At times, especially near the end, it gets quite graphic, but never so much that it feels gratuitous, or just gore for gore sake.

The writing, needless to say, was tremendous all the way through. I've never read anything by the author before (to be honest I picked this up both to read an example of a work from the publisher Dark Fuse, and also the cover - loved the cover). I've definitely become a fan of Tim Curran and am going to search out more from him. Again, if you like a fast, well-done and scary horror novel, definitely this a read for you.